Topic I:
Introduction to Pharmacognosy and Chemistry of Natural Products
Become familiar with Pharmacognosy´s concept. Definition of some terminologies and classifications naming of vital importance to the understanding of this subject. Recognize the most important natural sources through which you can get these natural drugs and Pharmacognosy and Chemistry of Natural Products.
Topic II:
Become familiar with Pharmacoergasy concept and all aspects that flow from it as a branch within the subject of Pharmacognosy. Knowing and recognize the factors that influence the variation of the chemical composition of natural products.
Conservation of medicinal plants
Topic III.a:
Micromorphological characteristics of plant drugs
Introduction to micromorphological characteristics of vegetative organs. Histology and Histochemistry. Cell theory. Cell differentiation: plant cells and animal cells. Characteristics of plant cells.
Topic III.b:
Macromorphological characteristics of vegetative organs
Introduction to plant tissues. Pharmacognosy´s interest in the study of plant tissues. Overview, origin and classification of plant tissues. Meristematic or embryonic tissues. Adult tissues.
Topic VII:
Extracts. Definition. Analysis of extracts. Production. Identification. Trials. Quantitative determination. Labelling.
Topic VIII:
Carbohydrates or carbs. What are carbohydrates? Characteristics. Clasification: monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides. Therapeutic properties of carbohydrates.
Topic IX:
Essential oils of plants. Definition and characteristics. Composition. Volatile Oils. Hydrocarbons, alcohols, acids, esters, aldehydes, ketones, phenols
Monocyclic terpenes. Menthol - Limonene - thymol
Bicyclic terpenes. Camphor - borneol - pinene
Topic X:
Glycosides. Definitions, Classification and origin, Examples. Saponins
Topic XI:
Alkaloids. Definitions. Types. Structure. Classification of Alkaloids. Opium. Quina-tropane. Ergot-Xanthine-Rauwolfia. Xanthine. Veratrum-Vinca-Misc.
Topic XIII:
Definition, function, characteristics and classification of vitamins. Liposoluble and water-soluble vitamins. Vitamin A, B complex (B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, folic acid and Pantothenic acid). Vitamins C, D, E, F and K.
Topic XV:
Definition and characteristics of proteins. Functions. Presence in nature. Methods of extraction and isolation.
Topic XVI:
Defining plant exudates. Definition and characteristics of the resins, the oleoresins, the gum-resins and balsams.
Topic XVII:
Characterization and types of plant pigments. Chlorophyll, carotene, flavonoids. Characteristics, structure and functions of chlorophyll.
Topic XVIII:
Introduction to heterocycles. Heterocyclic compounds. Chlorophyll, heme, plant hormones, nucleic