Pharmacognosy - medicinal plants (herbs)

69 Lighting

Lighting Design / Lighting Control / Consulting & Supply

Luxury Residential Lighting Design

Theme XII: Tannins

Plants with tannins

Plants with tannins. Examples of plants rich in tannins.

Examples of plants containing tannins. Click on any of them to see details of their contents and properties.


This section is constantly updated accordingly to the new publications:

Medicinal Plants-Herbs

Banana - Medicinal plants


Hardy grass up to 10 meters high. Strong and well-developed leaves, petioles envainadores that make the false aerial stem, limbo of 1-2 m long and 35-60 cm wide, tearing into strips perpendicular to the central axis...


Medicinal PlantsBanana

Plants with tannins

Grape - Medicinal plants


The grape plant has climbing stems through specialized organs called vine tendrils. The palmately veined leaves are arranged opposite on the branches...

Medicinal PlantsGrape

Plants with tannins

Guava - Medicinal plants


The guava is a shrub or small tree up to 7 m high, sparsely branched. It has aromatic leaves, opposite, entire, 4-8 cm long, with prominent veins on the underside, resembling ribs. White attractive flowers, grouping from 1 to 3; numerous stamens arranged on a width disk...


Medicinal Plants - Guava

Plants with tannins

Laurel - Medicinal plants

Laurel (bay laurel)

The Bay Laurel is a small sized tree of the Lauraceae family. It not exceeds the height of 10 m. It has lanceolate hard leaves, dark green color, between 7 and 12 cm long...


Medicinal PlantsLaurel

Plants with tannins

Mallow - Medicinal plants

Mallow (Malva)

Mallow is a herbaceous biennial and perennial up to 1.5 m high. Its stem is very hairy and woody. The root is fusiform. The flowers are pink or purple with darker purple veins. The fruit, which is disc-shaped, decomposes after ripening...


Medicinal PlantsMallow

Plants with tannins

Pulsatilla - Medicinal plants


The Pulsatilla is an herbaceous plant which has a fairly thick rhizome in black, stick to the ground in angle, from this rhizome grows a stalk which doesn´t reach much height, with leaves segmented in linear laciniates...


Medicinal PlantsPulsatilla

Plants with tannins

Tea - Medicinal plants


Tea is a shrub that grows up to four meters high, evergreen, alternate leaves, elliptic, pointed, toothed and coriaceous leaves, six to eight inches long and three inches wide...


Medicinal PlantsTea

Plants with tannins

Thyme - Medicinal plants


Thyme is a perennial shrub from to the Labiatae family that reaches about 15-30 cm tall. It´s bushy with small leaves shaped ovate to lanceolate, in these leaves there´re tiny hollows stuffed with a drop of essence...


Medicinal PlantsThyme

Plants with tannins

see also

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Plants with tannins. Examples of plants rich in tannins.